Bucket to Bucket - Mattress and Chair - Refuse - Three Points - Another Door - Arrange and Drop - Expand - Balloons in a Room - Cardboard Box with Packing Peanuts - Drawing Machine - Load and Unroll - Number 332 Line 4 - Performance in One Hour - Please Remove Your Shoes - Focal Point - Art for Myself - 1352 Cubic Inches of Helium


"Load and Unroll" - 2010

Load and Unroll


(toilet paper, wood, metal)

Description:Speaking directly to the inner-child, "Load and Unroll" is presented simply as a stack of toilet paper with three wall-mounted un-rolling stations. A participant activates this piece by releasing and replenishing the toilet paper however they see fit. Often initially hesitant, viewers quickly give in to their desire to immerse themselves in this playful experience. Through engaging with this piece the participant develops a better understanding of the importance of play.